Nepal Deprived Women and Children Upliftment Center (NDWCUC) is a non-profit organization focuses on two area i.e. for Women leadership education and for children who are deprived from basic needs like food, education etc. NDWCUC has been working for the protection, promotion and support of Dalit Women, helpless, orphans, extremely poor children and to ensure the rights of the children.
NDWCUC has been duly registered in Kathmandu District Administration Office is 2058 B.S (2001) at Budhanilkantha Municipality and dedicated to improve the quality of life for under privilege communities, helpless, orphans, marginalized children and ensuring their rights and dignity.
Organization has gone through many ups and downs. In today’s world, even single/ separated mothers can look after their children. In case of developing countries like Nepal, unemployment, male dominant society, preference to son, illiteracy, poverty and other factors number of helpless children including single mothers are facing the consequences. However, due to the cooperation and goodwill of locals and foreign organizations and individuals, we have been able to provide relief for thousands of children and women.
At present, most of the children brought are helpless, poor communities, marginalized group, dalit and orphans. There is no support from government foreign associations and individuals which has result to huge financial burden.
1. Purpose:
To provide the basic needs of the children in this center including education, health, food and clothing.
2. Goal:
The number of children in this center will be increased every year and it will support the responsibility of the state by protecting the helpless, poor communities, remote area, janajati, marginalized group, Dalit and orphans’ children.
3. Targeted Group:
Children from different districts with criteria of helpless, poor communities, remote area, janajati, marginalized group, dalit and orphans sheltered in the center.
4. Duration of the project:
Providing shelter, education and essential requirement for the students up to school level.
5. Impact of the project:
Marginalized community, remote area, janajati, helpless, orphans, pro-poor communities’ children sheltered in the center.